Monday, April 15, 2019

Repair Work Finished

View from a restaurant where we had dinner in Georgetown

April 11-12
      We spent the next few days in Georgetown, so that Chris could finish the repair job on the boat.  He did an excellent job and we were lucky that he had the time to work on it.
Damaged hull
Good as new!

      We visited the Rice Museum, which told the story of how the rice crop was produced before the Civil War.  Rice production was a very long, labor intensive project that took decades to establish.  The marsh lands had to be cleared, gates had to be built to let the tides flow in and out, the rice had to be planted and harvested, etc.  The slaves worked under deplorable conditions.  I don't think I can eat rice again without thinking of this story! At one time, Georgetown was one of the leaders in the world of rice production.  It was an enlightening tour.
Town Cloock

The Kamininski House

      We also visited the Kamininski House, which showed a different era of history about several  families who lived there in the late 1800's and early1900's.  We visited the South Carolina Maritime Museum which showcased the important history of the shipping industry throughout the years in this town.  The museum has a lot of pictures of how Georgetown looked in the past.  There are a lot of model ships on display that depict real sailing vessels that came in and out of this port.  It was very interesting.
       The town was hosting a bass tournament and festival.  There was a free concert Friday night.  People were excited and we experienced a nice small town atmosphere that was very refreshing.
These are interesting thoughts for a town

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying the blog of your well deserved sabbatical!
    Having done the ICW up to Georgetown; so far it has been like a review. Now, from Georgetown on I'm looking forward to reports of sights I haven't seen. You are doing it right!
