Sunday, May 5, 2019

We Got Mail!

April 30
     Coinjock, NC is a very small town, only about 300 people, but it is very popular with boaters and Loopers!  Many stop here for one night to fuel up and eat at their restaurant.  The restaurant is famous for serving a 32 ounce Prime Rib.  We ordered the 16 ounce, and split it!  The dinner  was excellent.  I found out that Coinjock is an Indian name meaning, Land of the Mulberries.   When asked if they still had mulberries or blueberries, the answer was no!

    When we planned  to do the loop, we knew we would be away from our house for a year.  What do you do with your mail?  We found out people who travel for an extended amount of time, often use a mail forwarding service.  I pay almost all my bills on line from the bank, so that is not really an issue.  It is kind of exciting to see the caption in my e-mail from  the service,  "You Have Mail"  I can choose to have it scanned, shredded, mailed or packages shipped to our next port.  We let things kind of build up, and had them  sent to Coinjock!   It was fun  to open our packages and read out mail.

    Karl ordered a string of LED lights, which we installed in the galley.  It can change colors, we now have a disco dance floor!

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